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Mustard oil

Perfect For

Mustard oil is extracted from mustard seeds and is reddish brown,amber in color. It has been commonly used in North and east India since ancient times and comes with a bevy of health benefits.

Know for its strong flavor, pungent aroma, and high smoke point, is excellent for sauteing and marinating. Its often used in many parts of the world including India Pakistan and many south asian countries.

In Indian cooking conditions, which involve mostly deep frying our age old oils like coconut mustard oils score better than refined and other oils in overall health benefits.


Mustard oil- thebenfits:

1.Good source of MUFA:

Mustard oil Is highly recommended for the reason that is fullof monosaturated fatty acids(MUFAs). MUFAs are very essential for our health as they are good for our heart , lightens skin, helps in hair growth, etc


2.Promotes heart health:

Including mustard oil in your daily diet could improve to be beneficial to your heart health. It lowers bad cholesterol in the bodythus keeping a check onblood fat levels and helping in circulation.


3. Protects against infection :

Mustard oil has anti-bacterial, anti – viral, anti- fungal properties. Its external as well as  internal usage is said to help in multiple ways to fight against infections including digestive tract infections.

5.Good for skin:

Mustard oil is loaded with vitamin E an essential nutrient for skin. It Is said to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and acts as a sunscreen. Traditionally in India babies are often massaged with mustard oil.

6. Relief from cough & Cold:

Mustard oil has been an age old ingredient for the treatment of cough & Cold. This is because of the heating property that helps in clearing congestion from the respiratory tract. Mustard oil stem treatment is often recommended as a home remedy and u can also rub a teaspoon of it on your chest before sleeping to let it work magic.

7. Promotes hair growth Mustard oil contains beta carotene which is excellent for hair growth when massaged into the scalp. It activated blood circulation and it anti bacterial properties prevent scalp infections.

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